
Reflection 10: Multimedia Media and Information and Manipulatie Interactive Media and Information

Reflection 10:Multimedia media and information and Manipulatie Interactive Media and Information Multimedia information and media is a computer controlled integration of text, graphics, etc. It is computer controlled and integrated because you can combine or use other software to create designs and is always presented digitally. Obviously, multimedia is consists of the use of different types of media to create a piece of art. Multimedia made movies and videos possible. The use of technology was increased and multimedia became one of the most used type of media nowadays. We should at least appreciate this because without this, movies that we love are not possible. The second topic was Manipulative Interactive Media and Information. From the word itself, it is Interactive since it involves interaction of the user to work. On the other hand, it is Manipulative because has the ability to manipulate or control the said media or information

Reflection 9:Motion media, Multimedia Management, and Assistive Media

Reflection 9:Motion media, Multimedia  Management, and Assistive Media T hree topics were discussed on March 1, 2018. During the session, the first topic was the motion media and information. As part of this living age of digitals, motion media and information claims to be the useful of all types of media and information. Obviously, even if we are too fond to read, movements of visuals are still the most used and have gained more attention than visuals and texts. Motion media was defined as collection of graphics , footages, videos, series of drawings that gives the appearance of movement and is combined with audio. During the discussion, I learn two forms of motion media , which are the informal and formal motion media. Informal media are those created by unprofessional people. It was just created for personal use. Just like this website, I am not a professional in this area but but I am using this to post my reflection in every topic that was taught.

Reflection 8: People Media

Reflection 8: People Media Definitions are highly based on the understanding of the author.                People media defined as persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation, and manipulation of media. In the session, we learn two categories of people media. the first one is people as media and the other one is people in media. People as media act as media itself. they are the opinion leaders who shares their knowledge to those people who are not media literate. they are often speakers that bring information with opinions to disseminate knowledge to those low profile people in the society. Another is citizen journalist. they are not trained journalist but has the ability to use media to inform or give opinions in a certain issue in the society. Third is social journalist who used social media to disseminate information to the people. They are commonly bloggers or any journalist who brings huge influence in gaining people's belief.

Reflection 7: Text Media and Information

Reflection 7: Text Media and Information  Text media and information was discussed on Fbruary 12, 2018.               Since then, text was already introduced to us. Textual content is one of the first thing that was taught to us when we were younger. Aside from visuals or images, text brinfs more detailed information that we use iour daily lies. Books that are used in school is in textual forms. The use of text in our society become a basic knowledge especially in academic purposes.              Text is defined as a simple flexible format of presenting information or coneying ideas whether handwritten or typewritten. Text is ery aluable in terms of giing informations, daily converstions, and een in signs and warnings. Text gives information in books, journals, or research papers. Academic matters are more into textual contents.From news to new informations, textual contents are always in it. In our daily conversations, we are aware that  we are now li

Reflection 6: Media and Technology Literate

Reflection 6: Media and Technology Literate    Technology literacy is the ability of an individual, working independently and with others, to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technology tools to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information. it is a must for a 21st century learner to be media, information and technology literate. The use of technology in our daily lives makes us more related or near to this literacy. Being able to analyze, interpret data, beimg able to use technology alone is one of the qualities a literate in this field must have. But now, even a 3-year-old child can manipulate the use of technology. It is somehow related to digital literacy. Being able to differentiate facts from opinions and know how to cite the source are part of being literate and considered as a very important factor. Therefore, we must know that we are already literate in this field but should also know how to be responsible in usi

Reflection 5: Visual Media and Information

Reflection 5: Visual Media and Information The report was done on February 8, 2018. Visual media and information was discussed.       There will always be a need to understand the importance of visual media and information. Almost 65% of us are visual learners which means that we learn mostly from the images that we see and the process of information in our brain is faster than those textual contents.   Moreover, the use of media in teaching attracts the attention of students. Therefore, the use of visual media and information in school should be used effectively.       Visual media is defined as the   sources of data or information in the form of visual representation. Visual media consist of images or pictures used to represent a certain thing that is easier to be understand. But inside a classroom, the most commonly used visual media are pictures, videos and infographics. The use of visual media makes a creative approach to the learners. Admit

Reflection 4: Current and Future Trend in Media and Information

Reflection 4: Current and Future Trend in Media and Information Nowadays, people create new things out of their ideas and creative mind knowing that it will be popular and it will make a trend. Especially in today’s generation, a simple invention will lead to a bigger and popular one thanks to social media and technology, we can’t stop the trends because it will be widely spread on the internet.  According to Ms. Leizel Avila, here are the current and future trends: Mobile -  36% of the journalists recognize mobile as the most important trend of the year. Digital - Integration of social media in newsroom and reliance on videos and images ranked 2nd  and 3rd among trends. Native - 49% believe native advertising will be the top revenue source for their respective media outlets. Visual- 66% consider page views their most important metric. Native advertising- This is a form of online advertising that matches the form and function of the p