Reflection 4: Current and Future Trend in Media and Information

Reflection 4: Current and Future Trend in Media and Information

Nowadays, people create new things out of their ideas and creative mind knowing that it will be popular and it will make a trend. Especially in today’s generation, a simple invention will lead to a bigger and popular one thanks to social media and technology, we can’t stop the trends because it will be widely spread on the internet. 

According to Ms. Leizel Avila, here are the current and future trends:
  • Mobile 36% of the journalists recognize mobile as the most important trend of the year.
  • Digital- Integration of social media in newsroom and reliance on videos and images ranked 2nd  and 3rd among trends.
  • Native- 49% believe native advertising will be the top revenue source for their respective media outlets.
  • Visual- 66% consider page views their most important metric.
  • Native advertising- This is a form of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears. 
These trends will continue to be a trend &/or mainstream depending on the needs and the like of the audiences. 
" Trends now and in the future will dominate the world. As long as people will not  stop searching for a better technology, upgrades of every part of an object will take place. In the new future, technology that are present now will become more updated. Robots will take the humans work and humans will become more relaxed. Everyone will depend on this technologies and maybe economic of countries will rise. This changes may bring positive and negative effects. on the positive side, less work to people will be given. medications and check ups can be done without going to hospital. With the new inventions, communications with the use of holograms will become more possible. but on the other hand, negative effects of everything will always takes place. people who can't afford smart cities or objects may become poorer. Works will not be given to those who badly need it because of robots. Skills of a person maybe done by a robot and this will make more people unemployed. third world countries will become poorer if they can't afford this stuff and if the investment is too low. Therefore, it is our responsibility to take care of our own discoveries. everyone should benefit and opportunities should be fair enough so that everyone will rise fairly." - Jherica

Which Trends will Affect our Lives in the Future?



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